I love you, my American friends! But……

Chris Coolsma
2 min readJan 13, 2018

It took me a while to take in this cynical fact. Shithole countries? You know, over here in the recently seriously degraded and hardly cute little Kingdom of the Oranges the fourth real shithole of the world has been established: the American Embassy in The Hague. After Washington DC (the White House), New York (Trump tower) and Mar al Lago (Trump Golf Dump), the population of The Hague (governmental residence of the Netherlands) is insulted by the undeserved dropping of a new ambassador, also known as The Lying Dutchman. This Trump clone, too stupid to know where his own country of origin is located*, has managed to lose every sliver of authority in one week. Apart from the approximately three Dutch fans of his boss, the Shitmeister in the USA, nobody over here wants to be contaminated by the proximity of Pete Hoekstra. Take him back, as soon as possible. He will harm the friendly relations between us.

*Hoekstra told us he made the mistake of mistaking our country for another one when he said there are no-go areas over here, and cars and politicians are burned. He talked about the Netherlands in 2015, the country he was so proud to be born in, but he meant some other country. I guess Sweden, the country mentioned by Shitmeister T in one of his moronic tweets. Sweden! Of all places!! Where they (the Muslims) burn cars and politicians…..

Oh yeah, in case you can’t believe we have a King and the Lying Dutchman has arrived, I just add this official picture:

The King of the Oranges (left) and the Lying Dutchman, Pete H. (ANP)



Chris Coolsma

Friend of life and beauty and foe of spoilers of life and beauty. Golden marriage. Grandfather. Pianist and micro poet. Dutch, European.