Chris Coolsma
1 min readFeb 18, 2019


Over here in the slowly secularizing supercute Kingdom of William VII of realOrange we did know the Inuit count 60 kinds of snow, the Irish discern 63 kinds of Green and Trump told 1723 lies and counting, but we are astonished about the number of names for the weenie the Pope seems to keep in his Holy Dictionary. We also learned the Vatican is the biggest gay community in the World, where the members of the Swiss Guard have to hide for horny priests, but well, what’s new in that? Put a few men together in isolation, without a woman in sight, and the ding-dong-along will soon begin. The army? English private schools? No problem! So why not priests of one of the most homophobic churches of the world?

Yes, why not? Because it is immoral and inhuman to be homophobic.



Chris Coolsma

Friend of life and beauty and foe of spoilers of life and beauty. Golden marriage. Grandfather. Pianist and micro poet. Dutch, European.